Sunday, November 16, 2008

The tree is screaming at me!!!

I was perched on its branch just minding my own business
When it woke all of a sudden and went on a mad rant.
And as the worm in my mouth was my almighty witness
I yelled back at it, "Shut up dude you're just a plant!"

Of course when I said this the worm fell out of my mouth
And down it went, down to the ground all the way south.
'WOO! I'm free! Aha! Nobody eats great King Worm the third!!!'
Before Worm even reached the ground he was swooped upon by another bird.

-_-'' Ah how embarrassing there's already a flaw to my story
As my only witness was killed in all his glory.
You have no idea how hard it was to get that little feed
I swear he was on crack or high on speed.

I was pretty angry at this tree for how it reacted,
I told him, 'Oh gosh will you be quiet you're a tree!'
'You're only good as a pit stop for me!'
I started giving it a piece of my mind but it must've been distracted

'Hello! Are you listening to me!? I'm talking to you!'
The tree was asleep again... what a poo.
Wakes up screaming at me and loses me my food
Then goes back to sleep and ignores me, how rude

He's lucky he provides oxygen to this earth
Otherwise he'd be of no worth.
If that were the case then I'd bring him down
I swear I'd peck him till he crumbled to the ground.

As I was imagining this amusing thought
The tree woke up again and then I was caught...
Caught in the most spectacular uproar I'd ever seen
The tree had the audacity to still be so mean.

'Are you still here??? You think you're so good landing wherever you wish!
I've got feelings too and I'm not like your water if you were a fish!
Do you have any clue how damn heavy you are???
Your nails are digging into me so hard I think it's gonna leave a scar'

I was so outraged I would not listen to another word
By this stage though the whole commotion was heard.
I took flight to spare myself anymore embarrassment,
That's when I fell to the ground much to everyone's amusement.

I guess I was in denial... I actually did put on weight.
'You can stop by next time once you're fitter mate'
So I'm not gonna stay like this for much longer...
I'm gonna be back all the better faster stronger

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